Get Your Head Out of the Boat! Hosted By Mike McNamara, Wed 22nd April 7pm

Ever Wondered?


Why the boats in front of you sail in different directions to you?

Why one week they hug the reeds and the next avoid them completely?

Why they all suddenly tack in synchronisation?

Why are straight lines rarely the fastest routes?

What are they seeing that you are not?


Get Your Head Out of the Boat!


A talk by Mike McNamara


Wed 22nd April

7pm RBSC Clubhouse



Baked potatoes available afterwards, please order on sheet on club race board,

or email me by Sun 19th



Winter regatta – Rollesby 7/12/14

ianayresA cold very breezy forecast may have put off some, but a day of close racing was enjoyed by those who ventured afloat at Rollesby on Sunday 7th for their Winter Regatta.

A very select group of multisails set out but 3 of the 4 led at various times of the day. In the end it was the ladies Auriel Gibson & Lindsey Nettleton who won out with some good spinnaker work and two victories. Carl Buck & crew could have won in the club boat but an enforced retirement when leading race 1 followed by a lunchtime departure meant their win in race 2 went unrewarded. Barry Bradford and Dennis Manning were still getting to grips with the asymmetric in their Argo but sailed consistently to take second overall.

There was significantly more competition in the single handed fleet, which ultimately saw 4 competitors finish on the same points for second to fifth places. It was not a day when the Solos had it all their own way, the fleet took some time to sort itself out in to handicap order in all races! Ian Ayres in his Solo was the only slower boat to make the eventual break with the faster pack and won though only just from the fast disappearing RS300 of David Houghton, with Nick Eastwood finishing third after a tight on the water battle with the Phantom of Chris Toothill. Daren Pike brought his Phantom out to play in race 2, escaped the pile up at the first mark and sailed away to victory by some margin, Ayres and Bob Hawkins exchanged places several times at the head of the main group with Ayres eventually second and Eastwood splitting the Solos on handicap.

A significantly reduced fleet after lunch was led away by Toothill who surely had enough lead until a capsize brought him back to the pack. Daniel Bradford in a Laser Radial coped best as the wind increased narrowly edging out Hawkins for the race victory and ensuring the race officer a headache in separating out the minor places!


Single Sail

race 1 (10 ) – 1st solo 4589 Ian Ayres, 2nd RS300 433 David Houghton, 3rd Finn 44 Nick Eastwood

race 2 (11 ) – 1st Phantom 1349 D Pike, 2nd Solo 4589, 3rd Finn 44

race 3 (5 )  1st Laser Radial 171667 D Bradford, 2nd Solo 5472 R Hawkins, 3rd Solo 4461 J Saddington
Overall  – 1st Solo 4589 3pts , 2nd Laser Radial 171667 6pts, 3rd Solo 5472 6pts, 4th RS300 433 6pts. 5th Finn 44 6pts…


Multi sails

race 1 (4) – 1st W 9627 A. Gibson & Lindsey, 2nd Argo B. Bradford & D Manning, RS400 454 P & L Harlow

race 2 (4) – 1st W 9305 C Buck, 2nd W9627, 3rd Argo

race 3 (3) – 1st W 9627, 2nd Argo, 3rd RS400 454

Overall  -1st W9627 3pts, 2nd Argo 4pts


Safety Update


Please See Updated Club Safety documents, please read and send any feed back to

Mike Horwitz

01493 700057


Activities at Rollesby Broad Sailing Club are undertaken with safety in mind – So, activities are fun for everyone!

Activities are covered by the Club’s – RBSC Risk Assessment rev13_Nov2014


Should incidents occur, or should things go wrong, a formal

RBSC Emergency Response rev12_Nov2014

is in effect to help those in charge recover any situation.


Members are invited to become familiar with the content of the above two documents; copies of which are available in the Clubhouse

Sailing as Normal on Sunday (16th June)

Following an emergency committee meeeting this week and thanks to very generous loans of equipment from members the club will be able to offer racing as normal this Sunday. Please bear with the race team at the start of the day as temporary equipment is put in place / checked for operations.

Please note there will probably not be a rescue craft available this Saturday (15th) but subsequent weekends should not be affected.

More details will be emailed directly to members.




Multisail Open this Sunday (12th May)

Rollesby Multisail Open this Sunday (12th May)

Separate starts for Bitterns and any other fleet which can raise 6 or more starters, Includes an Eels Foot race – entry £5 per boat

Regular singlehanded sailors required to help me run box and rescue boat. Volunteers please let me know on or 01493 750232



Multsailor volunteers will be needed for Solo / Singlehander meeting next month.

Capsized – In the Boatpark!

It may no longer be winter but we’ve had a lot of windy weather lately and there have been several boats blown over or completely off of their trolleys. Please make sure your boat is tied down, it will almost certainly void your insurance if it falls over and damages itself or someone else’s craft!

If you use a club boat which has a tie down please ensure this is resecured after  use.


Wedding Regatta Photos

Thanks again to Simon for the photographic record of a very well attended regatta on a sunny Friday afternoon.

2 Standard races followed by Daniel leading off the personal handicapper.

Now you really can see what you could have won!

[slideshow id=21]

Wedding Day Afternoon

Wedding Afternoon Open Regatta – Bring your friends!

Friday 29th April

 Three races (first start 2pm) – Two handicaps races and a personal start time pursuit race based on first two race results.

 Followed by Bring Your Own BBQ and

Autumn, Winter & Frostbite Series Prize Giving