Club Reopening – Sunday 6th December


The lock down has now ended and we are in Tier 2. According to government guidelines we can restart sailing, which is to happen this Sunday 6th December. It will be the same format as prior to shut down. This Sunday is the Winter Regatta, there will be two races, both to count.

Catering will also restart. In Tier 2 we can only have take away service. As you are all dressed for sailing this should not be an issue. If we move in to Tier 1, we will be looking at opening the clubhouse for eating.

I must emphasise the importance of SOCIAL DISTANCINGat all times and the RULE of 6 also the wearing of Face Coverings when entering the Clubhouse for food or the use of the toiletAn outbreak of Corona Virus linked to our Club would most likely shut us down for a couple weeks and none of us want that.


In October Killer Shrimp were discovered in our Broad. They have been found all around our jetties and quay headings along with other locations along the top half of the Broad. To prevent the spread sailing is restricted for the time being to the upper portion of the Broad.

This will be reviewed in January when another survey will be carried out.

The following is from Eilish Rothney, The Norfolk Wildlife Trust, Trinity Broads Warden:“Please do make sure that all the buoys and any other equipment is thoroughly dry before being put in the water and can you remind all attendees to be especially careful around the quay heading and jetties – not to allow ropes/sails etc to trail in the water. If any wading is done to launch boats please clean clothing/boots in very hot water (preferably boiling) and dry thoroughly. We need to be aware of the importance of not spreading the shrimp to any other water-bodies.”

I would like to add to the above, that if anyone takes a boat away from Rollesby, that it is thoroughly cleaned before it is used in any other body of water. By Spring, we hope to have a cleaning station set up.

I would like to add, that despite Covid, Killer Shrimp and blown down trees the Committee is doing all it can to keep sailing going, maybe not as we are used to, but as near as possible.

It has often been said to me that bad things come in three’s, if true it should all be good from here on out…

All the best,
