SATURDAY 10TH JULY 13.00-17.00
Kids sailing and late afternoon BBQ/Picnic
Everybody welcome ( Yes, even grown ups )
- Club boats available depending on age and experience. Optimist/Topper/Laser/Wayfarer*
- Sail with experienced members in their boats or sail your own
- Tuition available ( please confirm your interest to avoid disappointment )
- Course will be laid for informal racing
- Water games
- Safety boats will be manned
- 17.00 BBQ will be lit ( bring your own food )
- Limited refreshments available from the galley
( Tea/Coffee/Juice/Crisps/Muffins/Chocolate etc )
- Please register your interest on the club website or via e-mail suepurdon@btinternet.com or call Simon Purdon 01953 452460
- Volunteers needed to rig and sail club boats and/or sail your own. Offers of help in the galley would be appreciated. Please contact me if you can help
- Please note that non-members must be signed in for Insurance purposes
*Grown up in long trousers on board to helm or supervise
All planned activities will be subject to prevailing weather and weed conditions
Please bring suitable wet weather gear. Some lifejackets are available