I Drove past Rollesby Broad this afternoon (Friday) it is quite solid! The whole broad is
covered in a fairly good layer of ice. There is a breeze forecast for Saturday so it may
well break up but the forecast predicts -3 degC for Saturday night. Too early to cancel
sailing however thought some people might like the warning before travelling on Sunday.
PS we could do with a regular Ice Correspondent who passes the broad regularly at this
time of year – just let me or Keith know the conditions and we’ll update the website.

2 thoughts on “ICE WATCH @ RBSC 20th Jan”

  1. Dear Ian;
    Miss you and your gorgeous locks.
    Congrats on ye ole sailing comp in spring PM! 1st place! what a star!
    Btw we didn’t fail our GCSE coz you left, were just really dumb.
    hope life’s treating you like a cake. god bless.

  2. Hi Ian/Kieth. I told Pete on Thursday that it was all frozen and Tony left a message for Robert as they were booked for OOD. this week. Tony hasn’t heard back from Bob and doesn’t know who else was listed to be on duty. Liz
    Ps just going to spin the thing …see if it works!
    PPS. Robert and Ian out for the day….message left for Tony Ingram (also out) asking him to check later as he lives in Rollesby now.

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