Hi All,
You may have noticed me (Keith) with a tablet over the last few weeks, I have been working with a chap Robbie to improve his Android race management and scoring app.
If anyone fancies giving it a try alongside our manual race management system give me shout, even it is just for one race on a Sunday, and any feedback would be most useful. I have attached a crib sheet and test fleet file below.
Any questions just drop me an email www@rbsc.org.uk
It will run on any Android device. (I have sourced the club an old 7 inch tablet so you can take a look) or just download it to your android phone of tablet.
Details and download of the Android Race management system can be found on google play here
Videos on https://www.facebook.com/groups/Dinghy.Sailing.Race.Control.Group/
(Google Play and the App help are the best place to start for a comprehensive overview)
It can be used to assist with paper results or as a stand alone scoring app as the output can be imported into sailwave and is available via a could drive, Dropbox, Google etc.
You just select the boats that are racing and just tap on them when they complete each lap.
It now copes with multiple starts, general recalls etc.
App Overview
- · Race Start Countdown (5,4,1,Go & 3,2,1 Go)
- · Competitor selection and edit.
- · Lap times, Result Codes, and Finish Sounds
- · Instant results corrected times & PDF , Sailwave result export.
- . Currently supports a fleet / race of up to 160 competitors
- · Multiple fleets and rolling starts, including General Recalls.
- . Sailwave Integration Competitor export to App, Results Import.
- Trigger on external Bluetooth Relay for operation of external Horn