For those members who are lucky or unlucky enough to be available to sail on a Monday mornings we would like to remind you that from around 10:30am you are likely to find a number of regulars having a cup of tea.
During the Winter we tend to entertain ourselves by looking after the Club house and Dingy Park, the rest of the year we sail, its a good chance to meet members and sail knowing other will be around,
All club members are invited to attend the Clubhouse on Mondays at 10.30 am to help in carrying out the following maintenance and repair jobs
- General tidying up. Removal of rubbish, deposits of cut foliage etc to site for bonfire
- Repair of white plastic launching trolleys for Oppies and Toppers
- Replacement of broken marker posts for boat spaces
- Flattening of mole hills. Preparation of areas for re-seeding
- Cutting brambles from trailer park
- Clearing of leaves
- Cleaning, testing and maintenance of the “Sallis” committee boat
And subject to appropriate skills
- Cleaning, and repairing club boats (including condemnation and disposal)
- Repairing hole in launching ramp
Together with any other jobs that are identified along the way
Work starts Monday 2nd January.
Please come appropriately attired with available tools if possible – rakes, spades, lopping or cutting equipment, leaf blowers, large tarpaulin etc
Don’t forget: Gloves, Lunch and refreshment.
Break for lunch at 12.30.
Your reward will be good companionship, the satisfaction of seeing a good job done and knowing there is plenty left for further Mondays.
Even if you are not able to assist with the manual work, you are still welcome to come and offer your advice and opinions whether on the work in hand or any other burning topical issues of the day.