Sailing Restart
According to Government / RYA guidelines sailing clubs can reopen from the 29th March. In practice that means we can sail any day of the week from 1st April and the first day racing will be 4th April. The risk assessment taking into account the latest guidelines has been updated by Ken Johnston and is attached to this email. In short; The Rule of 6 and 2m social distancing still apply. The Club house and changing rooms will be closed, toilets open.
Please read the RA here for full details before you arrive at the Club, thanks.
According to Government guidelines we will be able to serve food outside from the 12th April. Therefore the plan is to bring Angie back and her excellent food on the 18th April. There will be full details on how we plan to go about this, closer to the date.
Duty Rota
In order to run races we all need to take our turn doing a duty either in the race box or in the safety boat. So please get in touch with Clive Girling (, with a date.
To see what dates are available refer to the Duty Rota list on our web page: